Monday, February 27, 2012

Star Wars

Yesterday, Kevin and I took a trip to Goodwill.

We like to go there to look at their furniture (very easy to fix up and make it look nice), books, and records (they always have the cheapest records for our record player).

In their VHS section, we found the Star Wars Trilogy. I have never seen any of the old Star Wars movies and they are some of Kevin's favorite movies of all times. So last night we set up a slumber party in Kevin's study and with every pillow in the house along with some popcorn, we watched the first two movies in the old trilogy.

My mind was blown away. The movies were so entertaining! Although, I needed to get over all of the death happening constantly. Every time someone died, I would get so sad and Kevin had to remind me, "Those are the bad guys... It's okay to kill the bad guys." I think it's almost worse to see the bad guys die, because they lived their lives in fear & anger and never had a chance to really live their lives in peace. They probably have families who are so sad that they were taken away from them and killed. 

In the second movie, they made it clear that people can choose the dark side (which is the easy way out) or choose the good side. However, both the dark side and the "light" side were guilty of killing one another and doing some horrible things. So, it seems to me that they are really both the dark side and the good side just has better looking people with more optimistic personalities.

Regardless, the movies were as good as Kevin said they were. I can not believe the graphics they were able to come up with in the 70's and 80's. Remarkable.

Bridgette loved the Star Wars movies too. She likes to play the "Fruit Ninja" game with Kevin in his iPad and she was practicing on the screen in the scenes with Yoda! I guess he looks like a big lime or something. Hilarious.


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