Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Marriage is a mirror

One of the greatest lessons I've learned in marriage thus far is that "marriage is a mirror".

My father used to tell me this and I never really knew what he meant.

The other day, Kevin and I got into a bit of an argument.

Kevin told me he was going to do the dishes and I told him I was going to do the dishes, and they piled up.
One night, I just had enough of the mess, picked up a sponge, and started washing vigorously.
He came over because he saw that I was upset and I could hardly hold my anger in any more.
I was literally steaming.

In that moment, I looked at him, saw the love in his eyes and genuine concern.

In that moment, it was like looking in a mirror, I realized what a selfish jerk I was.

Kevin does his fare share around the house. He washes dishes, does laundry at times, and irons his own shirts in the morning. He was tired from the day and on days that I'm tired he takes care of things around the house.

I counted to 10 and let out a big sigh. In his eyes I saw love and kindness, and through his eyes, I also saw my weaknesses: impatience, quickness to anger, immaturity.

When my hair looks like a mess when I look in the mirror, I change it. How are my character flaws that I've found in this "marriage mirror" any different?

As I went back to doing the dishes, I changed my attitude and Kevin gave me a big hug and joined me.
We are a team. He inspires me and, on the rare occasion, I inspire him.
I guess that's how marriage works.


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