Thursday, September 27, 2012

Love is a member of our little family

The realization came while driving in horrible traffic the other day and I was utterly frustrated by it all. Suddenly, a peace filled my heart and I became completely relaxed.
I realized that throughout my life and my marriage, if times were hard or if times were great, through prayer and reflection on God's truth, God saw us through and guided us to a place of love and peace.
It was hard at times, but God has brought meaning and unity to our little family. More than I ever anticipated having.
My greatest desire in life is to show love and bring peace to those around me. Because when you take the time to see the forest through the trees, I have come to realize, that is all that matters.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Baked Ziti Night!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

People who know me, know that I...

- Have a passion for justice, inclusion, and openness
- Truly "like" most people
- Comfortable in my own skin
- Say awkward things that I think are funny
- Listen to random bands that most people do not know about
- Make small things into a competition
- Hate playing board games because I take them too seriously
- Organize my e-mails... and my sent e-mails
- Can sleep whenever I want, wherever I want
- Enjoy keeping in touch with people
- Believe and trust in God's love
- Am a complete mom at heart.

- Love:
my deaf cat
hosting parties
stress (I know, it's bad)
positive people
the start of every season

people who judge others
raw onions
not fixing a problem immediately

There's me in a nutshell.

Only boring people get bored