Monday, April 9, 2012

Starting fresh

Today was a particularly difficult day at work. I had a number of tasks to complete and I had my first PR Plan presentation with a client.

Our team worked on this presentation for a month, perfected it and delivered it today.

Our client seemed to like most of it, but had some comments on one slide. Because of this, time ran out and we weren't able to finish the presentation we worked so hard on.


I look back on the day and it was good overall, but my perfectionist side wants me to think differently.

You know what?

I actively choose not to define my day by this hiccup.

I choose to take this lesson and grow.

And, I choose to watch a movie tonight, worry-free with my husband and my cat.

I honestly believe this is a choice. That we can choose what our minds dwell on from day to day.

I choose positivity, optimism because that is what is good for me and to be quite honest, that is what is good for our little family.

Movie with the family, here I come!

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