Monday, April 2, 2012

Prayer, empathy, and a missed train

Today, Kevin and I were on our way to work and I realized I didn't have cash for the train.

The train station I go to does not have a way to buy a ticket at the station and you have to buy the ticket on the train, but you need cash to do that and the station doesn't even have an ATM.

On the days where I don't take the train, I end up in NYC traffic both ways which is a serious pain in the rear, changing my entire schedule for the day. Adding a significant amount of stress.

Kevin and I drove from station to station on the line to try to get me on the train at a place where you can buy a ticket, and we had no luck.

In total frustration, I just started to cry.

Kevin pulls the car over, leans over to me, envelops me in his arms, and says a simple prayer,
"Lord, give her peace."

Then, I started to cry in a more cathartic fashion.

It was exactly what I needed.

Someone to empathize with me on a human level.
To remind me that there are some things out of my control that I just need to be okay with.

Praying for someone is about empathizing with their situation, understanding that there are not enough words in the world to help them, but that their feelings matter, and you wish there was something you could do to help them.

Let's just be honest... missing a train is not a big deal.

However, at the time, it was the biggest deal, and it was so nice to know that Kevin understood that and took some time to bring me to a greater sense of peace and really a greater sense of self-awareness.

Empathize with someone today.


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