As a very pregnant woman (5 months +), I find myself reacting very differently to these storms than I ever would have reacted before. For one, I am far more protective over the people that I love. I also find myself empathizing with others more than ever, often to my detriment. While before, I went with the flow and lived life quite selfishly. Now, I find myself thinking about the bigger picture and at times it overwhelms me.
There has been a serious lesson that I've been learning through this all: we need to all choose to live a life filled with pregnant expectation.
Pregnant expectation is the feeling of excitement one gets when a person thinks of new life:
- The hope
- The joy
- The excitement
- The future
- The plans
- The clean slate
- The newness
Living a life of pregnant expectation means embracing the unknown for the sake of hope, because "hope does not disappoint". It is what keeps us alive each and every day.
We need to accept that horrible and wonderful things happen. We need to be inspired by wonderful random acts of kindness and become the type of people in the world that choose to do them.